Microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Microneedling is fast becoming a trend among dermatologists to improve facial complexion. It is a procedure designed to initiate your skin’s healing response by causing micro-trauma in a targeted way, in a controlled environment. We use the SkinPen®, the only FDA-approved tool on the market, which uses microneedles to pierce the superficial layer of skin at a ranging depth. The resulting micro-channels stimulate the skin to heal – modeling existing collagen and promoting new collagen formulation and revascularization (blood vessels).

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is obtained from the patient’s blood. We separate platelets out by spinning the blood in a centrifuge, then spinning platelets a second time to obtain the ‘purest’ platelets. We apply the patient’s PRP before microneedling the skin, then apply it again after treatment to remain on the area for four hours. PRP is full of growth factors that aid in tissue repair, promote cell growth, and encourage new collagen production.

Benefits of Microneedling with PRP

• Improves skin quality and texture
• Reduces pock marks and scarring
• Reduces black heads (especially in those who have hormonal acne)
• Treats acne and cystic acne
• Exfoliates the skin
• Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
• Reduces pore size and sebum (oil) production
• Reduces hyper-pigmentation and evens skin tone
• Improves sun-damaged skin
• Improves stretch marks

Who Is A Good Candidate for Microneedling with PRP?

Microneedling works on women and men and on every skin tone. In addition, it works on patients interested in having laser treatments, yet prefer less downtime, and on patients who want to improve skin texture, sun damage, tone, pore size, acne scarring and fine lines.

What to Expect During Your Visit – “The Microneedling with PRP Experience”


  • Drink plenty of water and eat before appointment
  • Topical numbing for between 20 and 30 minutes
  • Blood draw and processing

Treatment time

  • Between 60 and 90 minutes
  • On a scale of between one and 10, discomfort may be between zero and three (most sensitive on forehead and around the hairline and lips)


  • Patients will have a “sunburned” look with redness, possible swelling and pinpoint bruising when leaving the office.
  • During the next 24 hours, it is critical that patients avoid makeup, sun exposure, lotions, touching of face with hands or pets, the gym, exposure to heat such as saunas, and the pool or beach.
  • Patients can expect between two and three days of mild redness with mild peeling. Makeup can be applied.

Download our Pre- and Post-Procedure Instructions for Microneedling with PRP

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