We offer medical dermatology services in our Vienna, Virginia office and virtually on our DermUtopia™ app. Learn more about our medical services below.

Eczema and dermatitis are inflammatory skin conditions that are often itchy, dry, red, or painful.
Types of dermatitis include:
- Atopic dermatitis (flare-ups may be due to a variety of things such as genetics, weather, immune system, etc.)
- Photosensitive dermatitis (flare-ups occur after sun exposure)
- Allergic contact dermatitis (flare-ups due to topical allergen)
- Drug-induced dermatitis

Hair Loss
Our practice focuses on 3 types of hair loss (alopecia):
- Alopecia areata (loss of hair in patches)
- Androgenic alopecia (hormonally driven hair loss)
- Telogen Effluvium (sudden hair loss linked to stress, diet, or other environmental factors)
The type of hair loss that a patient has will determine which treatment option may be most effective.

Psoriasis is a genetic, chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by red and silver scaly plaques. Thicker plaques may appear darker in color. Psoriasis plaques are commonly found on the elbows, knees, folds of the body, scalp, and behind the ears.
Patients with psoriasis may report itching, painful cracking of the skin, and joint pain (psoriatic arthritis).

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that creates facial redness (flushing) particularly around the cheeks and nose area. Along with facial flushing, patients may experience dryness and stinging of the skin. Rosacea is most common between the ages of 30-60 years old and is most common in people with fair skin.

Skin Cancer Prevention
At DermUtopia, we encourage our patients to have a full body skin exam at least once a year. Skin exams may be more frequent depending on history of skin cancer and sun exposure. Some of the most common types of skin cancers that Dr. Dintiman screens for include Basal Cell Carcinomas, Squamous Cell Carcinomas, Melanomas, and Actinic Keratoses (precancerous skin lesions).