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Reported in Dermatology World Weekly –   August 5, 2015
A Publication of the American Academy of Dermatology Association

According to research conducted by RNCOS, the use of teledermatology services among patients is on the uptick. The report, Global Telemedicine Market Outlook 2020, indicates that in 2014, teledermatology made up 18.9 percent of all telehealth services utilized throughout the world. Researchers indicate that the increase in teledermatology visits is likely due to a more technologically savvy consumer base as well as a workforce shortage in dermatology. While telemedicine services continue to be in high demand, research shows that overall patients prefer to receive biopsy results over the phone as opposed to online portal services and other technology-based methods. Learn more about this study in Dermatology World’s new Trending video series that dissects what’s new in dermatologic literature.

Related Links:
Telemedicine special focus issue – Dermatology World (April 2015)
Electronic revolution – Dermatology World Video Roundtable
The future of dermatology lies in technology, changing practice models – Member to Member (March 14, 2014)
AAD teledermatology resources
AAD position statement on teledermatology

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